Wednesday, 23 February 2022 12:52

UK Latest and Most Popular Trends in Landscaping

Trends in Landscaping Trends in Landscaping pixabay

The last 2 years have brought with them a lot of home improvement projects. The pandemic has closed us in, so we tried to make the best of our limited space.

Whether we are talking about apartments, houses, or yards, there have been a lot of changes. The outdoors especially has received a lot of attention from homeowners, ever since the first lockdown.

The considerable number of projects in the UK dealing with landscaping has created new trends that are not to be ignored if you wish to update your backyard. We have picked for you the most popular 5 trends, which you can mix and match however you want, depending on your preferences and the space you have. CoreLine Construction is here for you, ready to assist you every step of the way, from idea to implementation.

5 Popular Trends in Landscaping

  1. Focus on being Eco-Friendly – since more and more people are getting involved in actively helping the environment and fighting climate change, it is only natural that eco-friendly practices in landscaping are trending. Among them we can count: collecting rainwater on-site, composting, creating a pollinator friendly area in the garden. With the help of a specialist, you can easily integrate all these in your backyard.
  2. Simplicity – simplicity is never overrated; the minimalistic style that is so popular now for the indoors can be easily brought outside. A low maintenance landscape can be beautiful, too, if you have the right people for the project.
  3. Edible plants and vegetables – the vegetable gardens are in line with the desire for sustainability and a healthy life-style. Tending to your garden can be very relaxing, and besides this, growing your own fruits and vegetables is cost effective. For these reasons, an increasing number of people across the UK are starting to cultivate their gardens.
  4. Outdoor comfort – with so much time spent in our gardens and yards in the past 2 years, we are looking at ways to make the outdoors as comfortable as possible. It can be an outdoor kitchen, a fire pit, a super cozy lounge area – whatever will make the time you spend outside more enjoyable. You can even take it a step further and incorporate smart home features, such as light sensors, speakers, or automatic shades.
  5. Less lawn, more freedom – yes, the lawn is easy to maintain, but with so many other options available, it would be a pity to have a large patch of green grass and nothing else. Consider using some of the lawn to make an area for potted plans, which are becoming increasingly popular this year. Space permitting, you can also put in a hot tub, a koi pond or even a swimming pool.

Whichever trend appeals to you, contact CoreLine Construction in Surrey to get the professional help you need with your landscaping project. You did not find what you are looking for in the trends above? Do not worry, we have plenty more ideas!