Likewise, Pay-to-Click sites often extend some additional options for people who are members, and most provide referral bonuses. Don’t forget to read about Dinner Ideas for tonight for get more tricks. A lot of people begin their Web marketing journey with PTC (Pay To Click) web sites. I, myself, started in that manner. First, allow me to explain what PTC sites are. A Pay-to-Click web site is a web site where you are paid pennies for clicking on and watching an advert for a set amount of time (normally half a minute). Every time you see a complete advertisement (they normally last more or less half a minute), a little cash is put into your account, which can only be taken out as soon as you’ve accumulated a specific total, oftentimes in the $5 range. Likewise, Pay-to-Click sites often extend some additional options for people who are members, and most all provide referral bonuses. Don’t forget to read about Dinner Ideas for tonight for get more tricks.
You could round up your referrals, or you purchase them; either way you’ll gain more or less half of the money they generate by watching ads themselves. Thus, if you get one penny from viewing an advert, you’ll get $0.005 from PTC members you referred. It doesn’t seems like much but it can amount to something if you have thousands of people signing up under you. Some of these PTC sites also provide some special options to their members, allowing for additional money per click (usually for your referrals as well as yourself), additional ads and additional referrals. While you could generate a little more money with one of the enhanced plans, they generally cost a bundle up front, so take caution. And you must to read about Easy Healthy Dinner Recipes course for understanding this concept.
Now let’s say you join a Pay-to-Click and it has four advertisements. You become a member and refer 1,000 people. You earn a penny per click, as do your referrals. Do the math. That’s $40 dollars for you, presuming all 1000 of your referrals watch all four ads. You would agree, that doesn’t sound awful. That would be a decent sum of money to get daily, right?
But, the terrible truth is, nearly all Pay-to-Click web sites are frauds. Pay-to-Click programs are essentially pyramid schemes. Why “pyramid”? This is because if you aren’t one of the first handful of folks to get into the pyramid, your chances of really making any money at all are extremely low, approaching zero. For instance, if 10 folks each throw in ten dollars, that’s a total of $100. The schemes leader may give out $15 to four of his downline, leaving the rest of the folks out in the cold. How they can get away with this is by enticing us to become members and to purchase referrals (which, by the way, are often bots, not genuine people), then paying out money that other folks invest to pay for their own membership and later referrals. The money from advertisements does not cover their payouts, especially since a number of the referrals you can pay for are not real people. Soon, folks stop signing up, and the later members are hung out to dry. If you started the plan, or were lucky enough to get in right close to the top, you can perhaps make a little profit, but is it worth the risk? Not at all. And Akita Puppies is my final recommendation today for get more powerful tricks.
My advice is that you avoid PTC websites like the plague. You could generate a small amount money or not, based on how high and close to the head schemer you are, but he’s a defrauder and every person who signed up under you is losing money. It’s just not a pleasant situation.
PTC Web Sites: Are They Profitable Enough?
A lot of people begin their Web marketing journey with PTC (Pay To Click) web sites. I, myself, started out in that manner. First, allow me to explain what PTC sites are. A Pay-to-Click web site is a web site where you are paid pennies for clicking on and watching an advert for a set amount of time (normally half a minute). Every time you see a complete advertisement (they normally last more or less half a minute), a little cash is put into your account, which can only be taken out as soon as you’ve accumulated a specific total, oftentimes in the $5 range.
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